Once you’ve mastered the basics and are comfortable seeing a document’s structure, you’ll want to take your Word skills up a notch.
Want to learn how to keep your colleagues’ sticky fingers out of your formatting, or need to collaborate on a document and track who did what? Ever gotten frustrated because you can’t keep an image where it blasted well belongs? Headers, footers, and stubborn pagination getting you down? Has a mail merge ever caused your printer to explode with foolishness? This is the class for you.
In our Advanced Word class, we will cover:
Mail Merge, Illustrations, Advanced document formatting with sections and columns, document references such as tables of contents, indexes, and bibliographies, document sharing, document interactivity with other MS Office products, as well as customizing the ribbon and using macros and building blocks.
Next Session:
Word Advanced Part One
Thursday, October 6, 2022
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
Word Advanced Part Two
Tuesday, October 13, 2022
9:00 am to 12:00 pm